In Jules’ Taverna
by Philip J. Lees
“Sorry I’ve been so long.”
I’d gone down to fetch some more wine for the table. I was a regular, so I was allowed to serve myself and my company on busy nights.
I was nervous about descending that stepladder, with its creaking treads and its smell of rot. But I hooked my thumb through the loop on the copper-coloured wine jug and climbed down carefully into the cellar.
I was crouched in front of the barrel, trying not to inhale while the dribble of wine from the tap filled the jug, when I noticed the blue glow in one corner of the cellar. This taverna is on the slopes of the Acropolis and everybody knows that the “sacred rock” is riddled with hidden caves, so I had to take a look.
We’d had only three litres so far, and there were four of us at our table, so don’t think I was drunk. I admit I was feeling a bit light headed from the fug in the cellar, though, so that might be why I stepped inside the blue cubicle and pushed the green button. I didn’t really think too much about it.
A door snapped shut and then there was this whirring noise. I took a sip from the top of the jug. I’d overfilled it and I didn’t want to spill any on the clean plastic floor. I could feel a vibration through my feet, but there wasn’t any sensation of movement.
I hadn’t noticed we’d stopped, but the door opened again and I stepped out into this huge cave. And there was this enormous lake, with huge dinosaurs swimming about in it.
At this point, I thought I’d better be getting back, so I turned to get into the lift cubicle, and there, right there on the wall, somebody had scratched this message:
“Arne Saknussemm was here!
“Anyway, here’s the wine.
“Really. That’s what it said. I am not making this up. And by the way, I didn’t spill a drop.”
- End -
© Copyright Philip J. Lees 2010